The Police and Crime Panel is responsible for supporting and challenging the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland in his role to hold the Chief Constable accountable for the performance of the force. This should be done in the context of relevant sections of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011. The Panel’s scrutiny aims to acting as a critical friend by supporting and challenging the PCC.

Panel Meetings:

The panel meets at least 6 times per year and its meetings are open to the public. The Panel is currently administered by Leicestershire County Council. Details of its meetings and membership can be accessed on the County Council’s political management system.


  • Cllr. Liz Blackshaw - Charnwood Borough Council
  • Parisha Chavda - Independent member
  • Cllr. Sarah Cox - Melton Borough Council
  • Cllr. Mohammed Dawood - Leicester City Council
  • Cllr Jenny Joannou - Leicester City Council
  • Cllr Jim Knight - Harborough District Council
  • Cllr. Kevin Loydall - Oadby and Wigston Borough Council
  • Cllr. Ravi Mahesh - Leicester City Council
  • Salma Manzoor - Independent member
  • Cllr. Michael Mullaney - Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council
  • Cllr Les Phillimore - Blaby District Council
  • Cllr. Sarah Russell - Leicester City Council
  • Deborah Taylor CC - (Chairman) Leicestershire County Council
  • Cllr. Christine Wise - Rutland County Council
  • Cllr. Andrew Woodman - North West Leicestershire District Council

“I have chaired the Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland Police and Crime Panel since 2021. The Panel plays an important role in supporting and holding to account the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC).

The Panel meetings are public committees, and we publish our agendas and minutes on the website.

It is through these documents that the public can evaluate the performance of the PCC and provide evidence of ongoing support and challenge to local policing and community safety.

Panels must focus on effective public scrutiny of the impact the PCC is having on policing, maintaining safety, resilience, and protecting our vulnerable communities.

I have developed a good working relationship with the PCC and raise areas of concern when necessary and relevant to the role of the Panel. The Panel contains representatives from across the political spectrum and I ensure that the Panel works together towards the target of reducing crime and that the PCC delivers an effective and efficient police force for the area.

We want to encourage the public to engage in the work of the Panel. We would like residents to submit questions about the work of the Panel and invite members of the public to come and witness a committee running, so they feel more involved in the public scrutiny of the PCC”.

Ask us anything

The Panel are keen to engage with members of the public on the work it undertakes in scrutinising the Police and Crime Commissioner. Please do not submit questions about operational policing, we are keen to receive feedback on the effectiveness of the panel and hear ideas on what we can do differently, how we should engage with our public and anything else relating to the work of the Panel. (max 140 characters).

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Moderation Policy

8 February, 2025

Swannj says:

high visibility neighbourhood policing in villages where nail bars, sweet shops and barbers have sprung up. Confiscate electric scooters.

8 February, 2025

Ama07 says:

Police use to be respected, not now

8 February, 2025

Ama07 says:

Hi how about some friendly police officers, who enforce the law. Build relationships with the community? Build trust with the people

4 February, 2025

Richard Peach says:

Would getting rid of the PCC and the scrutiny panel negatively impact how the police function? IE how they use to run before a PCC?

21 December, 2024

Nicholas muton says:

Why are vulnerable ladies and children being housed next offenders , where violent and sexual crime murder and drugs are ?

20 December, 2024

Adam says:

For custody suites to continue to build on trauma informed ways of working, for e.g. to consider the approach taken by Nottingham

19 December, 2024

mrs kappo says:

There has been a significant increase of crime with thurnby and Bushby village - breaking into cars. More police patrolling the area at nigh

17 December, 2024

myself says:

140 characters is not long enough for my question - so much for engagement!

16 December, 2024

Peter Bailey says:

Always best to ensure that articles have details of who has written an article and when. It is just good manners.